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You are Rich...

But I can vividly tell you are not Wealthy,simply because your Wealth is not a measure of anything that exist Materially .

- Money,


- Properties


Wealth is a measure of Your "in-materialistic" success, which is a matter of Your ability to balance your:




Procreating Yourself through Mother Nature's Special Gifts given to you and

Energizing up & Exploring Mother Nature is what gives You and Every Individual Complete Happiness.

Every Individual is driven by three forces of nature.

1) Wealth

2) Power


3) Fame

A Successful person is one that has got an adequate percentage of the above three(3).

You cannot be Famous without having some level of Powers, and you cannot be powerful without attaining some level of Wealth.

These three(3) ancestral Qualities are DEEPLY inside Everyone of us. They are naturally intertwined and they are constantly activated as we all continually try to observe everything around us.

Understanding Life is about Paying Attention to the world around us.

Only by Observation would you perceive that the phrase :

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

exist together as an entity. A 3 -in- 1 entity.

For there could have been the addition of the opposite in the meaning of Ugly (Beautiful) to the above phrase, but for natural reasons, it wasn't.

Because every individual exists in his or her own Trinity.

But it is only by Self Observation would we realize what we really are.

We are all Good , Bad and Ugly

just as it is rightly said that the

"Beautiful ones are not yet born."

Now, you see why the entity :

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly exists without The Beautiful even upon The Good having it's opposite in meaning word The Bad directly followed by it in the phrase.

Just as there exist the GOOD, so exist the BAD which is what we really have in the world today. Coexisting with the *GOOD* and the BAD is the UGLY.

And these 3 perceptions coexist in us all but we must know :

Too much of Wealth is Good,

Too much of Power is Bad,

Too much of Fame is Ugly.

How can I ascertain so quick that Too much of wealth is good?

Since it is often said that Too much of Everything is Bad

Recall I told you earlier that You are Rich ...but you are not Wealthy.

This is because being wealthy means being in a Perfect State of Mind (Your Empire State of Mind)

And in order to be in your Empire state of Mind, You have got be in Perfect Health .

So, you see why it is often said that :

Health is Wealth


Good Health is Good Wealth


Bad Health is Bad Wealth.


Perfect Health is Perfect Wealth. ( but very less than 4% of the world's population attains this till they eventually DIE and FADE AWAY)

The only way to approach and attain perfect health is to be attain perfect wealth which is a blend of being in equilibrium with your Trinity.

For if you are too GOOD, your bad and ugliness will be lacking...

And if you are too BAD, your good and ugliness will also be lacking...

Likewise being too UGLY, your good and bad will also lack.

For the ONLY WAY to Attain a Perfect Health is to have your GOOD, BAD & UGLY balanced in Natural Equilibrium and not get them unbalanced by the negative loopholes and energies (people) of the world because it is through Our attractions which are Distractions (attractive distractions ) with individuals do we get lost from being who we really are meant to be.

Do not give anybody the permission to create an imbalance in your being GOOD, BAD and UGLY .

This way, You encounter The EXPLOSIVE ILLUMINATION in every Aspect and Endeavors of Your Life.

Do not forget, I'm yet to let you know why TOO MUCH OF WEALTH IS GOOD!!!

Now, you know:

Health = Wealth.

And You know :

PERFECT Health = PERFECT Wealth.

Now,I ask you : If you as an individual is in The Perfect State of Health ,will thou be Happy* or Sad ?

Of-course , You will be Happy , Yeah... I know You will because I am.

And You know what?

*There should be no limit to your Happiness.

*Nothing should limit your happiness!

*Nothing !!

*Not even the phrase : TOO MUCH OF EVERYTHING IS BAD.

Because, it is ONLY with the ABUNDANCE of HAPPINESS that We Live a FULFILLED LIFE .

A _Fulfilled Life_ is a _Perfect Life_ which is a _Wealthy Life_ which is a _Healthy Life_ which is a HAPPY LIFE !!!


Health = Wealth = Happiness = Good

So also is :

Total Health = Total Wealth =Total Happiness which are Totally All GOOD.

Did you notice that ?

Total Wealth is a Totally a Good thing.

And these are the whole essentials in UNITY and ALIGNMENT you need to Activate and Take Control of your Life.

It is until you achieve a certain level of Happiness/Health and Wealth do you progress towards getting POWER and FAME.

Hello there, our name is Safe-opportunities platforms The Controversial Creator of Enterprising and Excellent Opportunities on offline and online

We became a *Paranormal Wizard of Mathematical English.

With this Special Gift, we are able to *help people attain and reach the Height and Apex of Happiness in various areas of their lives through my conceived lettering.*

When we pen down, we write to *gladden souls*

Now, that you know a very little about us already; we would love to know a little about you.

Are you now ready to be wealthy?

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